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Richard jones

Chamber air's for a violin and through bass

"An invitation to stroll through the narrow and chaotic streets of a London on the verge of implosion, through the work of Richard 'Dicky' Jones. Between health crisis and cultural effervescence, a unique and singularly modern work us is presented. "

Leading his Beggar's Ensemble with the violin, Augustin Lusson offers much more than an exercise in style, even if it is Italian. It is an illusionist's spectacle, a dive into the sulphurous atmosphere of London in the days of Hogarth.


Philippe Ramin, Diapason Nov. 2019

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Jean-Marie Leclair

L'élite des bons mots

Écouter la musique pour violon de J.M. Leclair (1697-1764) revient à entendre un miracle, celui de l’avènement d’une école française de cet instrument, considéré criant et un peu vulgaire au XVIIe siècle. Autant ses sonates sont le couronnement époustouflant d’une forme consacrée par tant de compositeurs qui le précèdent, autant ses concertos pour violon semblent être, exception faite d’un opus de Jacques Aubert (1689-1753), le fruit de sa propre initiative.

Lusson and his colleagues reach out quite powerfully, ornamenting lushly and always with dramatic expression. Nothing remains underexposed, but comes into effect with strong colors in an unusually substantial sound, in Leclair’s pieces as well as in the 6th Sonata by Jean-Baptiste Barrière (1707-1747). Particularly to be appreciated is that the intensity and powerful gestures never lead to heaviness, and the music always remains agile and swingingly dance-like. This would have pleased the ballet dancer Leclair.


Rémy Franck, Pizzicato Août. 2022

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